Customer: Mornington Peninsula Shire
The Tootgarook Wetland is located on the Nepean Peninsula and contains high biodiversity values and provides a variety of ecosystem services/benefits. It is considered a regionally important example of a Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem and supports a range of endangered and vulnerable Ecological Vegetation Classes. It also supports endangered or threatened in Victoria, and the Australasian Bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus), a Commonwealth listed endangered species.
We were engaged to assist the Shire in confirming whether the Tootgarook Wetlands is likely to satisfy the Ramsar listing criteria and provide advice and on the costs and benefits of seeking Ramsar nomination compared with other options.
The completion of an ecological character description (ECD), confirmed that the Wetland’s ecological character in terms of critical and supporting components, processes and services/benefits are likely to satisfy the Ramsar listing criteria. However, a review of the limitations to Ramsar listing in Victoria suggested that it was not the best option for the protection of the Wetland at the time of study.
The findings of this study were used by the Shire to shape the direction of the future management of the Wetland. This includes the establishment of the Tootgarook Wetland Management Plan that, in partnership with Conservation Volunteers, we have established to secure the future of the Wetland.
As a party to the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Convention), Australia is required to meet its obligations under the Convention in terms of reporting, management planning and provision of supporting information on Ramsar-listed wetlands.
We were commissioned by the Abu Dhabi Environment Agency to undertake advanced numerical modelling at a site within the Arabian Gulf. This was to assess the viability of developing aquaculture operations at the site.
The Brisbane River Catchment Flood Study is the most detailed and comprehensive flood study ever undertaken in Australia. The hydraulic models that were developed underwent rigorous calibration. A sophisticated Monte Carlo approach was used to hydraulically model 11,340 flooding scenarios. The result was a robust and defendable set of design events. The study was fully peer reviewed by a panel of independent experts.
The coastal zone of Byron Shire has a history of erosion and inundation related to ocean storm tides and wave attack.