
Engineering Design and Technical Support for Marine Structures for an LNG Regasification Facility

We have been providing engineering support to Muhibbah Engineering Bhd for the LNG Regasification Facilities Project, commencing from FEED for the LNG regas unit and the Island berth.


Supporting Muhibbah Engineering Bhd (MEB) for the LNG Regasification Facilities Project in Melaka, Malaysia, We provided a range of services starting from front end engineering design of the LNG regasification unit and island berth for marine civil structures and subsequently the selected top side structures.

We were re-appointed as the engineering consultant for the detailed engineering design and technical support during the EPCC implementation stages of the island berth and facilities. 


The project work scope comprises three main work packages and optional works:

  1. Detailed engineering design for marine civil and selected topside structures;
  2. Structural steel frames (mooring and breasting dolphins) handling and transportation design;
  3. Technical support during EPCC jetty construction;
  4. Optional items including risk management and work supervision.


The detailed engineering design is a continuation of the work at the FEED stage and the breakdown of key tasks are as follows:

  1. Review and update of the design basis report;
  2. Review and update of the berthing and mooring analyses;
  3. Review the additional soil investigation factual report provided by MEB and prepare the geotechnical interpretative report;
  4. Perform detailed analysis and design of the marine civil and topside structures, including: loading platforms, mooring dolphins, breasting dolphins, pipe support and walkways, flare tower, control room building, LP1 main topside structure; 
  5. Perform detailed pile foundation design;
  6. Jacket design, lifting and rigging.

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