
Front End Engineering Design Support - Hazard and Operability Study for Bitumen Terminal

We were commissioned by Puma Energy to conduct a HAZOP Study to review the FEED safety design for the current North Vietnam Bitumen Terminal.


We were commissioned by Puma Energy to conduct a Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) to review the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for its North Vietnam Bitumen Terminal. The Bitumen Terminal consists of the following:


We conducted the HAZOP study in a systematic and structured design review technique to identify process hazards and reduce or eliminate consequential risk on personnel, environment, asset and reputation.

We also defined each operation into simpler systems known as study nodes. The HAZOP identify critical process parameters, corresponding deviations from its intended operation modes, the respective causes and existing safeguards. Once the safeguards are deemed inadequate recommendations are given and recorded in the HAZOP worksheet.


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