
Reservoir Flood Modelling, United Kingdom

In 2010, the Environment Agency produced Reservoir Flood Maps (RFM) for large raised reservoirs at a national scale across England and Wales.


Client: Environment Agency

In 2010, the Environment Agency produced Reservoir Flood Maps (RFM) for large raised reservoirs at a national scale across England and Wales. Those maps are used to inform a range of applications including emergency planning, reservoir risk designation, spatial planning and community awareness. BMT with partners JBA and Mott McDonald are delivering a major update of these maps  using latest advances and innovations in software and hardware to reflect technical advances in dam break analysis, hydrology, computational hydraulic flood modelling and digital terrain models.

Outcomes and Benefits

The primary users of the Reservoir Flood Maps are Local Resilience Forums (LRFs). LRFs use these maps for emergency planning to prevent or mitigate impact on local communities. Outputs will also be used by reservoir owners, panel engineers, spatial planners and the community to assess the possible consequences of dam failure. To produce high resolution, national-scale maps as efficiently as possible, the project team harnessed the benefits of a secure, cloud-based solution together with bespoke coding to maximise automation of workflows.

Services and Expertise Provided:

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