
Leveraging Historical and Real-Time Data for Precision Asset Management with MetOcean Dashboards

Unlock the power of real-time data and transform the way you manage your assets

19 March 2024

Energy and resources

In today's data-driven world, the ability to access vast volumes of data has become possible now, thanks to emerging technologies that pave the way for unprecedented levels of technological advancement. However, the true value of this data is unlocked only when it is put to effective use - especially in real-time and by integrating historical data into the context, aiding asset operators in making pivotal decisions with confidence.

At BMT, we've taken this challenge head-on. Over the past year, our commitment to enhancing data utility has been unwavering. We're thrilled to announce significant developments in our BMT Deep Service, a testament to our dedication to innovation and excellence.

What's New?

Our asset-specific tailored dashboards are a game-changer. Designed with precision to cater to the unique needs of our diverse user base, these dashboards are now active and ready to revolutionize how the information can be used to operate your assets.

Why MetOcean Dashboards?

  • Real-Time Feedback: Instant insights into environmental conditions affecting your assets, moving beyond the traditional, one-time special analysis of historical data to provide up-to-date information continuously.

  • Customization: Tailored dashboards that fit your specific operational needs, including the integration of design basis to assess the environment your facility is experiencing against what it was originally designed for.

  • Decision Support: Empower your decision-making with data-backed insights, featuring capabilities to slice and dice the data for metrics around seasonality or to deep dive into analysis of specific periods of interest.

We're eager to hear from you! Your feedback is crucial as we continue to refine and expand our services. The next frontier of data utility is just around the corner, and we're committed to exploring it together.

Embrace the Future of Asset Management

Stay ahead of the curve with MetOcean Dashboards. Unlock the power of real-time data and transform the way you manage your assets. Learn more about our innovative solutions and how we can help you leverage the full potential of your data by visiting

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