FURE submarine competition

BMT sponsors 16th annual virtual international submarine race (vISR16)

BMT is proud to have been an Event Award sponsor for the 16th Annual Virtual International Submarine Race competition hosted by the Foundation for Underwater Research & Education (FURE).

5 August 2021

Since 1988, the foundation has hosted this biennial event where aspiring engineers apply the principles they have learned in the classroom and laboratory to a fun and engaging competition. In a normal competition, teams construct full-scale human-powered underwater craft and participate in a competitive racing environment at the U.S. Navy’s David Taylor Model Basin in Bethesda, MD.

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, this year’s competition was held virtually, with teams participating in a series of design challenges, including human factors considerations, drivetrain design, thrust production design, and manoeuvring and control design. These and additional activities, competitions, and interactive video lectures were held through the months of May and June 2021. At the virtual awards ceremony, Ms. Hannah Douglas was awarded the 2021 FURE Scholarship.

BMT is proudly a perennial sponsor of the event and supports FURE’s efforts to develop our next generation of engineering talent. 

For more information on the event

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